Monday 24 November 2014

A START( hopefully to a never ending journey) :D

I have a question for you( yes I ask a lot of questions :p I know its irritating at times. But I can't help it. Its just who I am :p serious )

Do you understand life?

Well. I don't or at least I haven't found a definition yet, which, to me defines it completely.(ponders for a moment) I am still trying to make sense of it, to understand it. But I think whenever I seem to think I am finally getting it, my life springs something so unexpected at me that I need to start all over again.(*sigh*)

But I read something somewhere and I totally agree with it :) . Which was something along the lines of what would be the point of life(true that :p) and our questions if we are given all answers at the exact moment when we ask those questions. We need to live our own questions. On our own. That is our answer. The one we miss.

Everything will fall into place when it is supposed to. It will all make sense, one day. Because there's always, always HOPE.

Anyways I am going off topic. So as I already told you I love writing, besides other little gazillion things :p Yes. I am diverse that way. I am a firm believer of variety is the spice of life! ;)

If there was one word I would use to describe myself I would sit there thinking maybe forever and still not come up with a word. Not because there aren't words. But, because there are too many of them. But maybe I would use the term "simplated" ( there isn't such a word in the dictionary as yet tbh :p ITs my own word! :D yes. Its a combination of simple+ complicated= Simplated :P There isn't it simple! :) ) 

Yes I know I am awesome. I totally love myself. Now. Trust me. it wasn't always like that :/
But now. I am in love with myself. Totally. Irrevocably. Most importantly; Unconditionally!

So this is where I plan to write. Why I write( even I don't know :p ). This is one other way I can talk to myself. Yes I am strange like that. :)This is like my first ever blog in my life( I am not that ancient like I made it sound but then neither is 19 that young either :p Or more like to be twenty now. Soon :D ). but as they say. Better late than never.

I know half of the stuff I am saying is not even making sense. Right?
Well that's a part of me. I don't make sense at a lot of times ( Make that almost ALL the time :p At least that's how people who know me feel. That includes. My parents. My family. My friends. Everyone I know, actually :p . And well those who don't know me.( *shrug*) I am a weirdo to them too :p But I don't mind. At all :D Trust me. ;) )
As I said earlier. I am in love with who I am and I always hope to be. Always and Forever. <3

P.S I love ME. I hope you love yourself too. :)
P.P.S I hope from the core of my heart you haven't totally given up on me since I am not making sense. Again :p I am not that weird either :p I might have exaggerated. But oh well. I am a drama queen. :D


  1. This is really how most of us feel inside if we are honest with ourselves... I cannot begin to thank you for the beautiful and touching email you sent me... I am grateful you see this in me... I am taking a 2 week blog break but I will be back and I have added your blog to my Bloglovin list... I hope to connect with you in the future .... Launnna ♡

    1. Thank you Launna :)
      This means a lot. I honestly meant all of what I said. You make me believe and give me hope :)
      You are always welcome....I am already looking forward to connecting with you as soon as you are back...soon...
      Till then....Take care...Stay safe...Last but not the least,tons of love from me <3

  2. And this is I found truly inspiring :)
    Keep up the good work :D

    1. Thank you :D
      I will! and you keep on reading it ;)

  3. Welcome to Blogosphere. Most importantly, keep blogging :)

    Do drop by mine


    1. Thank you :)
      I will try not to let go hopefully of that
      Yes. I will and your readership of mine wouldn't be unappreciated. Follow me back :)

  4. When I read 'simplated' I thought 'that's it, my friend has actually lost it; someone call an ambulance! This girl needs help!' But then I read your definition and it just clicked - it's a very pretty word and it deserves to exist just to describe you <3

    Also the quote about life that was really eye opening Tooba. I'm gonna write that and stick it on my wall - it's beautiful!

    1. Haha. I love the fact that you are putting it up on your wall. Since I keep on doing it for quotes that I like and find inspiring. It's touching that someones putting up something from me in a way :)
      Also. Keep reading!

  5. I've known many people, including myself who fid it confusing enough to describe their self in one word. Until now. "Simplated" an excellent word, that accurately describes our position, and the beauty lies in its contradictory meaning.
    I've added it to my dictionary already!
    Thank you Tooba, looking forward to more blogs! :)

    1. That sounds great :)
      you are welcome! Your response was very motivating, trust me :)

  6. Haha you remind me of me. Looking forward to more of your posts.

    1. That's interesting. That means if I read your posts I might be reminded of myself. I would like to read your blog :)
      Keep reading ::)
