Saturday, 7 March 2015


"Others often ask us to define ourselves, to tell them who we are

Who are we?

We eat, we sleep, we dream, we love, we pine, we hate, we hope

We lust, we smile, we work, we rest, we calculate, we give, we take

In all the midst of the turmoil of being ordinary, like the rest of the world, we just….are

Sometimes we see ourselves reflected in the pages of a novel we are lost in, 

In a movie where it feels like your story only if with a different ending

In the innocent actions of the children playing along the street

In the whispers that pass by

In the shadows that surround us

We hear our names pronounced on the lips of our loved ones

We find ourselves voicing out names of people we feel like belonging to

Trying to find something, someone to purely call our own

We are hidden in the shadows of the night,

 In the color of rainbows that are seldom seen

In the flowers that are so fragile yet still bloom.

We are neither wrong nor right

Neither pure or impure

Black or white

We are not other people second-hand experiences

We are the essence of the combination of our personal journey with our different experiences

Most of the time, like the rest of the world we just…are

Without ever fully knowing who we….are

We just…are"


  1. Tooba... this is excelletly written... sometimes we just are... we are not just one thing, we are many and always a work in progress... ever changing... just being who we are ♡

  2. OMG!
    This piece soo beautiful and exquisite.
    I'm glad I bumped into your blog. I hope you keep writing with such beauty.
    Also, I couldn't find a follow tab, could you please add it in your layout, so that I can follow you?

    1. Thank you so much!
      I really appreciate the appreciation and I will :)
      P.s I just added the tab so you could follow me. I hope you keep in touch! :)

  3. We are... Even when we not are. The state of being needs no qualifiers.

    Good write.
